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Using this, you can easily include NeosLauncher to your mod.
The steps you see in the ReadMe are only little steps of most <10sec.
Download NeosLauncher_Update.exe
Create NeosLauncher_Update.neo
This tool works with both L4D1 and L4D2 Launcher.
ReadMe File:
Auto-Installing NeosLauncher with any installer
To include NeosLauncher into your mod:
1) Download the newest NeosLauncher.exe and NeosLauncher_Update.neo form neoslauncher.de.tl
2) Rename the NeosLauncher.exe to NeosLauncher.exe.update
3) Create a file called 'NeosLauncher.ini.update'
4) Into this file, write settings that you want to have auto-applied when updating neoslauncher.
5) Put these files, together with NeosLauncher_Update.exe (4 files at all) into the same directory as NeosLauncher.exe shall be after installing your mod.
Now this directory does not contain any files that NeosLauncher.exe would use, and no NeosLauncher.exe. This means:
a) Your installer won't overwrite a newer version of NeosLauncher.exe
b) Your installer will not kill all maplists, settings, etc. the user eventually made when NeosLauncher was used before installing your mod.
After installing your mod, make sure that NeosLauncher_update.exe will be launched.
Auto-Adding maps
To automatically add maps
0) Download the newest NeosLauncher.exe on neoslauncher.de.tl (for step 2)
1) Make sure that these lines are in NeosLauncher.ini when launching neoslauncher.exe the first time:
(to do that, put them into neoslauncher.ini.update when your mod also installs NeosLauncher (see above)
2) Use with NeosLauncher.exe the MapList Editor's export function to export all MapLists that your mod includes
3) put all *.maplist.neo files you just created into the same directory as NeosLauncher.exe
4) create a file called 'Neoslauncher_devupdate.neo' in this directory
5) Into this file, write the name of all *.maplist.neo files you want to include. One File per line; not the full file path. e.g.
6) That's it.
L4D1 Launcher: 1.6
L4D2 Launcher: 1.7.1d
L4D Choser: 1.0b |
Are you having some addon campaigns installed in your Launcher? please let others have part of them - export them, upload them, and then put them into here:
http://neoslauncher.de.tl/Forum/cat-1-Contact.htm |
after ex/importing mapLists,
you must restart the launcher! |
When experiencing troubles with the Windows Vista/7 User Account Control, don't put it in the Windows 'Program Files' directory (or a subdirectory).
another possibility: right-click on the neoslauncher.exe (not the shortcut!), ->properties, and select 'run as administrator' in the compatibility tab. |